Based in London, Farhan shares web, data, and property solutions —often for free.

Bricks Builder

Enable dev mode for Cloudflare Turnstile

Have Cloudflare Turnstile enabled on your site but want to bypass the actual authorisation process whilst you're still developing?


Solved: “Publishing failed. The response is not a valid JSON response” error on WordPress

Have you recently installed WordPress and tried to create a new page only to be greeted by "Publishing failed. The response is not a valid JSON response"? Here's how to fix it!


An awesome (free) way to organise your code!

Wondered how to organise your CSS easily and other custom code without using a paid code editor plugin or any plugin at all? Well, here's a great, free way you can!


Organise your wp-admin menus without plugins!

If you're like me and don't use many of the wp-admin menu links or simply want to have your most used links in 1 place, you can use this post to learn how to do just that without any extra plugins or "hacks".


Solved: LocalWP stuck on Downloading WordPress loop

Many users like myself have ran into the never-ending "Downloading WordPress" screen in LocalWP. As of Version 8.2.1+6583, there is still no official fix for this but I after testing everything listed in the Community page and what I could think of, I found something that works!


Simple WordPress function to check current “page” type

If you need a way to check the current page type to set some conditional functionality (such as using Bricks Builder Conditions), here's a useful snippet!

Bricks Builder

Bricks Filter + Conditions = Undefined?

Tried to use a Bricks filter with which has Conditions applied to it but showing up as "undefined"? Here's a fix as of

Bricks Builder

My default Bricks Builder settings

Here are my Bricks Builder settings for fresh installs.


How to increase file size limits and execution times

Want to increase the file upload size or execution times? Here's an easy way!


How to increase WordPress memory limit

Want to easily increase the WordPress memory limit? Here's the proper way to do it.